Introduction to the event:
In the framework of the European programme “Europe for Citizens”, the Unione degli Assessorati alle Politiche Socio-sanitarie, dell’Istruzione e del Lavoro is partner of the project SINET: Social Innovation Network, in collaboration with partners from Macedonia, Spain and Croatia. With the aim of analysing European practices in the field of social innovation, promotion of solidarity and European collaboration, the first international conference of the project entitled “Community Forum: European Citizens Needs” was held on 9 September 2021 at the University of Palermo, Faculty of Economics (Aula Magna – building 13). The meeting focused the attention on the themes of Social Innovation, feeding the debate on the evaluation of citizens’ needs and services to citizens; during the event it was possible to share ideas and thoughts on the needs and problems that communities, especially rural ones, in Europe are facing, also understanding the possible solutions and recommendations adopted at European level in the countries involved.
The event was held in Italian and English, with on-screen translation of the interventions.

Institutional greetings by the Union of Councillors in the person of its President Giacomo Mulè; speakers for the University of Palermo are Prof. Angelo Mineo and prof. Fabio Lo Verde.
The event was moderated by Salvatore Alagna (Unione degli Assessorati), who introduced the day’s agenda.

Partners Presentation

Introduction of the Union of Departments – Salvatore Alagna
The Unione degli Assessorati is introduced, its main features and activities carried out at regional, national and European level, with some of the currently
active projects and initiatives carried out, in particular related to Social Innovation issues.
Experience of the Municipality of Bolognetta – Mayor, Gaetano Grassadonia
Thanks to the partnership and introduction of activities carried out in Bolognetta, including the REMUNERO project, which promotes recycling and environmental care at local level in an innovative way, in connection with the citizenship and activities of Bolognetta.
Introduction of Poraka Nova – Anita Gagovska
Introduction of the Poraka Nova Association and the main characteristics and activities carried out, at local level in Struga, in Macedonia and at European level.
Introduction of Solidaridad Sin Fronteras – Adrían Martín Maldonado
Presentation of SSF activities and initiatives in Spain and Europe, main areas of intervention and introduction to the second international conference of the SINET project, scheduled in Madrid on 6-7-8 October.
Introduction Udruga Mladih EU – Matej Matic
Presentation of the activities and initiatives of Udruga Mladih EU in Croatia and Europe, with an introduction to planned European and national events.

Activities resumed with the introduction of different projects and local experiences:
– COMMIT Project, of the Creative Development Centre Danilo Dolci in partnership with the University of Palermo and organisations from Belgium,
Netherlands, Austria, Greece. – for Unipa Marianna Siino and for Centro Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci – (CSC) Alberto Biondo
– Educational Continuity 2.0 Project – Aurela Schiera from Thomas More School, leading organization of the project in partnership with the Ada Negri Cooperative, and universities and schools from Greece and Portugal.
– Sartoria Sociale, a multidimensional enterprise of the Cooperativa Al Revés, which has been promoting professional and socio-relational inclusion
since 2012, presented by Roberta Autolitano, social worker
– Re-Ability – Adult Education to promote Relational Skills Erasmus+ Innovation Adult Education project implemented by the Cooperativa Sociale
3P represented by its president Carmela Sorrentino, a project carried out in cooperation with the Consorzio Tartaruga and organisations from Greece,
Croatia, Estonia and Romania.

Discussion and Question Time was the final session of the agenda.

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