Social Innovation Network Summary

Technology continues to change the ways in which we live our lives, allowing us to do things from banking in the comfort of our homes to video calling our friends across the globe, and it is important we continue to think of ways in which it can help to solve society’s most complex issues. Technology offers unlimited opportunities to build on the admirable efforts of civil society to tackle marginalized communities, and this project aims to support the growth of this movement.

SINet aims to explore, stimulate, debate, and advance solidarity as a crucial topic within European society. 

It will gather citizens from four EU and non-EU countries that are with a long history of facing a political, social, and economic crisis. The project will assess the needs those countries and their citizens are facing while understanding the importance of solidarity and love for other human beings from marginalized communities. 

The aim of the project is to encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at the Union level as well as to promote opportunities for societal engagement, civil protection, and volunteering, through the use of social innovation and new technologies. We will invite citizens (marginalized communities, CSOs, public authorities, business sector, experts in new technologies, youngsters, and other citizens) to take part in the debate about equal access, cross-border and local dimension, intercultural dialogue and promotion of volunteering, and for their possible active engagement in organizations, so they can implement their innovative solutions and the use of technology in order to stimulate European solidarity, as a tool for improving the lives of the people from marginalized communities. Moreover, through this project, we would like to inspire them to become responsible citizens, aware of their community issues, as well as to gain concrete tools how to be always active, prepared to improve the quality of the communities they live in.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;

indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

Impact and Citizens Involvement 

On a short-term level, the participants in the project, represented by the representatives of the marginalized communities, civil society organizations representatives, public authorities’ representatives, business sector representatives, experts in new technologies, youngsters, and other citizens, will get more aware of the opportunities for the digital transformation of the solidarity methods.​

​They will not only discuss and learn for the solidarity methods and the digital transformation of the civil society, but they will be encouraged and strongly motivated to put those learnings into practice, by creating social digital innovations for reaching larger social impact for the marginalized communities, but in the same time for their own civil society organizations, enterprises, municipalities, and other local authorities, and in general for all institutions on European Unions level.

The project will encourage the transfer of know-how and good practices, it will promote intercultural learning and active European citizenship, it will promote the concept of solidarity and democratic and civic participation, as well as will enhance Europe for Citizens visibility. The importance of networking with the civil society will be presented to the local authorities, especially in the age of digitalization; also the power of the social innovations initiated and led by the civil society.

During the project, 4 civil society organizations and 4 municipalities will be directly involved in the project activities, also representatives from other relevant entities and local citizens and professionals will be involved. At a later stage, more organizations will be included. 200 direct participants on the events, at least 800 members of the organizations, and at least 10000 readers of the media will become more aware of marginalized communities, solidarity, social innovation, and digitalization, as well as European active citizenship and democracy. We will include 15% of people of marginalized communities as direct participants in the events. We will try to reach 5% of the outreach of new ideas in practice.

On a long-term level, the local authorities, the organizations involved, individual experts, citizens, the companies, and other relevant subjects will be members of the Social Innovation Network. Additionally, the SINet will continue to develop and increase the membership, so it will motivate the members on networking, collaboration, and sharing their good practices in the SINet community group. The SINet will continue organizing training courses, webinars, focus groups, conferences, the share of good practices, with the main aim to track the new technologies and use them in the empowerment of the civil society and make it more independent and aware.

Digital technology, together with the social innovation and design approaches, can help civil society organizations expand the reach of existing services, sense and respond to new needs as they emerge, and achieve more for less. Therefore, that’s how we will initiate better social services and local authorities, in order to have more happy, satisfied, and fulfilled citizens, aware of their role in the European society. The concept of “digital civil society” is taking hold as a framework for leaders in philanthropy, nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations, digital capacity builders, tech funders and support organizations, policymakers, and scholars. ​

Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.

Peter Drucker

Partners Involved

Short presentation of the partner organizations responsible for the implementation of the project Social Innovation Network.


Centre for improvement of the quality of life of the persons with intellectual disability and their families PORAKA NOVA

Struga, Macedonia

L'Unione degli Assessorati alle Politiche Socio-sanitarie dell'Istruzione e del Lavoro

Palermo, Italy

Youth association ‘Youth in the EU’

Sibenik, Croatia

Solidaridad Sin Fronteras

Madrid, Spain

The real work of social innovation is to fix our broken human systems.

Cheryl Heller

Municipalities Involved

Short presentation of the municipalities represented by the partner organizations responsible for the implementation of the project Social Innovation Network.


Municipality of Ohrid


Municipality of Bolognetta


Municipality of Sibenik


Municipality of Alcorcón


Societies advance through innovation every bit as much as economies do.

Geoff Mulgan


The project Social Innovation Network is funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme.


Social innovation thrives on collaboration; on doing things with others, rather than just to them or for them: hence the great interest in new ways of using the web to ‘crowdsource’ ideas, or the many experiments involving users in designing services.

Geoff Mulgan

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