Social entrepreneurship and social innovation have become very important factors in increasing the quality of today’s business education. Even though they share some differences like social entrepreneurship refers to the practice of creating innovative solutions to address environmental issues, and social innovation refers to the process of developing new ideas or products that address social challenges, their influence on business education is inevitable.

So, in which ways can social entrepreneurship and social innovation influence business education?

Purpose Learning

“Purpose Learning” is a concept that refers to educational practices that emphasize understanding the purpose behind what is being learned, connecting learning to real-world applications and personal goals. Integrating social entrepreneurship in business education results in exposing students to an approach that is purpose-driven to business. This is how they get encouraged to think beyond profit maximization and consider the bigger picture or wider impact of their decisions on society and the environment.

World Problem-Solving:

Social entrepreneurship often involves tackling complex social and environmental problems. This teaches students how to apply business principles creatively to address real-world challenges, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Sustainability and Impact Measurement:

Social entrepreneurship emphasizes sustainable business practices and impact measurement. Integrating these concepts into business education helps students understand the importance of sustainability and how to measure and communicate the social and environmental impact of business activities.

Innovation and Adaptability:

Social entrepreneurs are innovators who create new business models and approaches to address social, economic, and environmental challenges. Studying social entrepreneurship exposes students to innovative thinking and encourages them to be adaptable and open to change in a fast evolving business world.


The integration of social entrepreneurship and social innovation can profoundly transform business education through purpose-driven learning, fostering real-world problem-solving skills, promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration, cultivating ethical leadership, emphasizing sustainability and impact measurement, encouraging innovation and adaptability, and fostering a global perspective.

By incorporating these principles into business education, institutions can equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to address complex societal challenges, create positive social and environmental impact, and drive meaningful change in the business world. This transformation not only prepares students to be responsible and ethical business leaders but also contributes to the development of a more sustainable, inclusive, and socially conscious business ecosystem.


  • ‘’The Buck Institute for Education (BIE)’’ (
  • ‘’The United Nations’’ (
  • ‘’Sustainable Development Goals’’
  • ‘’Harvard Business Review’’,

Author: Ljupka Janevska

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