Jul 6, 2022 | Community Development, Solidarity
PREDIF is today a reference in the field of accessible tourism, it chairs the Inclusive Tourism and Leisure Commission of the State CERMI, and its protocols and accessibility criteria are those agreed upon by the entire disability sector. Since 2002, PREDIF has been...
Apr 14, 2022 | Digital Transformation, Solidarity
Today, smartphone applications offer us a wide and diverse range of services and uses. One of them is the launching of community and solidarity initiatives. Public and humanitarian institutions and groups of citizens are using technology and apps to launch innovative...
Oct 18, 2021 | Solidarity
The second event of the SINet project, Public Debate: Solidarity, Civic Actions and CSOs as a tool for Social Impact, was held from 6 to 8 October 2021 in Madrid and it was organizaed by the Solidaridad Sin Fronteras (SSF), Spain, one of the SINet project partners, in...
Jul 21, 2021 | Social Impact, Solidarity
The new pandemic has us glued in front of our TV watching the news, concerning about our loved ones that are vulnerable, and adapting to major changes in our lives, from schools closing to having to isolate ourselves. People are worried, but not sure what they can do...