Social innovation as a concept emerged at the end of this century and it became central in policy debates around the world. As a set of innovative ideas or methods for addressing social problems, practices and needs, ‘the concept of social innovation’ is quickly evolving both in theory and practice. At the same time ‘the birth’ of new digital tools is also on the rise, as we witness the tech revolution of various digitization processes across different industries, and also the rapid change of how we interact, work, or innovate globally. Today, the connection between technology and social innovation is affecting every aspect of our living and the role that digital technology plays in social innovation is crucial for the improvement of our future.

Let’s explore some digital tools and their impact on social innovation.

  • Social Media Platforms

Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube as network platforms, or digital tools, are the perfect space for people around the world to connect, engage, communicate and collaborate with each other. Each platform has a unique impact on social innovation, or a way to raise awareness and share ideas about different social causes and initiatives. Twitter, for example, is more used for creating valuable campaigns about social justice, gender equality, and social discrimination, while Facebook as a social platform is more focused on providing opportunities for planning events, organizing fundraisers and coordinating activities.

  • E-Learning Tools

 Traditional learning and teaching is rapidly being replaced with new educational technologies. From learning in a virtual classroom to the use of learning tools such as tablets, laptops and smartboards, the level of quality in education has risen, making it accessible to people all around the world, particularly in marginalized communities. There are a lot of e-learning platforms that offer a variety of courses and learning materials, like Udemy, Coursera, Khan Academy, etc.

  • Civic Participation and Social Engagement is a community platform, or a digital tool, that enables citizens to raise their concerns and sign a petition on various social issues. It supports and engages people to come together and collaborate on different causes and challenges that they face daily. There is also CitizenLab, a tech platform that is like a ‘bridge’ that connects governments and municipalities to increase transparency in policy making and involve citizens in public service delivery and governance.

  • Data Analytics

 Analyzing data from different surveys, reports or social media can help in identifying future trends in certain social areas and aspects of community. As a digital tool, it enables social innovators to create and offer solutions to the specific needs of individuals or communities. As an example, Google Analytics or Tableau can map demographic data to highlight areas where interventions are most needed. ​


The future of social innovation is mostly shaped by the evolution of technology and different digital tools. So, with different social platforms and e-tools these technologies empower individuals and organizations to address and deal with different societal challenges. Also, they enable communities to connect globally, enhance access to education, and promote active civic engagement. As technology continues to evolve and become part of social innovation, it also enables in unlocking new possibilities for creating sustainable solutions that can shape a better future for everyone.


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By Ljupka Janevska

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