Community Forum: European Citizens Needs

COMMUNITY forum where we will assess the needs and the issues of the marginalized communities in Europe, and give feedback and recommendations on what should be done.

Event No.1

Community Forum: European Citizens Needs​

Predicted Date: 08-10 September 2021

Type of Activity: Community Forum

Venue of the Event: Palermo, Italy

Number of Participants: 50​​

Content of the event

The Italian Organization, L’Unione degli Assessorati alle Politiche Socio-sanitarie dell’Istruzione e del Lavoro, will organize a 2 days’ COMMUNITY forum in order to assess the needs of the citizens and citizens services. They will gather local citizens and representatives from the other participating countries, in order to discuss the needs and the issues the marginalized communities in Europe are facing, and to give feedback and recommendations on what should be done. 

Expected results

R1. 50 local and international direct participants, around 100 members of the participant organizations, and around 2000 audience (readers of the organizations’ web pages and social media) will become more aware of the needs of the marginalized communities in Europe.

R2. The research made before will be presented at the event.

R3. The project web page and project social media channels will be presented, and the new audience will be made, and we will start to build a social media community.

Host Organization

Official name of the organization: L’Unione degli Assessorati alle Politiche Socio-sanitarie dell’Istruzione e del Lavoro​

Location: Palermo, Italy


Role in the project: Associated Partner

Acts on behalf of: Municipality of Bolognetta​ ​​

Event No.2

Public Debate: Solidarity, Civic Actions and CSOs as a Tool for Social Impact

Event No.3

Training Course: Social Innovations seen as Opportunities for better Social Impact

Event No.4

Conference: Digital Civil Society

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